Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Banking Industry - Channel integration is the answer to the high quality customers’ experience

World’s leading banks are competing to deliver top quality customer experiences. They are striving to deliver their products faster, low cost, and with higher quality of customer experiences. Cloud computing and SOA infrastructure are adding more value to the transformation of client experiences. New paradigm shift will have many positive impacts on channel infrastructure and delivery model design. Delivery channels in Banking industry have Self service, Branch, Electronics, and Call Center in one end and products like Deposits, withdraw, loan, etc on the product side. Of course there are multiple sub-channels under each major channel. Unfortunately lack of integration across channels is causing tremendous frustration and bad quality of experience to the customers.  Customers are experiencing many touch points with the Bank for a single business process thread that are creating lots of opportunity for integration. If we create a use case model of customer interaction we will see the amount of time, money both bank and customers are spending are significant. It will reveal un-integrated line of business creating fragmented customer interaction. Vendors are coming up with many products to improve customer satisfaction. We need products but products come after completing the required operational model. Multichannel Architecture, Transformation to SOA, and information Integration are the major challenges to the IT. For total solution with road map to accomplish target objectives and vision with new computing model and technology require for this transformation. For the techniques paper on this topic please contact me.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Enterprise Architecture - Delivering values and ROA

Enterprise Architecture should not be measured by ROI, rather be measured by Return on Assets (ROA). I think all of us will agree on the Gartner Analyst’s comment. Now the question is how will you measure the return on assets? We should not consider only hardware and software assets. We need to consider the information and intellectual Capitals too. How efficiently we are utilizing our server, storage, network, software, and communication engineering systems? How much the fusion of business and IT helping the enterprise to meet the ever changing demands and supporting growth? Is the IT department is flexible enough to support the business needs within a short time? Enterprise Architecture and its creators add values by delivering key work products like IT Strategy, Roadmap, enablers to achieve superior competitive capabilities, and creating solutions for those questions. These values are difficult to measure. To find out the value of ROA in a measureable unit, we need to adopt well defined value matrix for each EA work products.

Return on assets (ROA) can be measured by calculating values for the work products by allocating appropriate waightage to the each Architecture design work product, and asking the questions about purpose of each work product and if not available scenarios. Various sub-products come out from the primary work of EA effort like: impact analysis of the various components of the systems, these add to the overall value chain of EA. The decision of what architecture work products require will not be the same for all enterprises. Selecting right architecture work products is a key to the success of overall EA program and establishing its value chain.

Using right tools and right templates for creating Architecture design work is equally important. Industry standard tools like TOGAF Architecture Framework, Templates, and Architecture Development Method will help in creating right enterprise architecture that improve your ROA. The picture at the top of this article depicts a conceptual view of an EA framework and deliverables using TOGAF, COBIT, and ITIL. If you like to have a technique paper on Delivering EA values please contact me.